OK, it makes sense to publish first at Amazon because they are by far the biggest market for ebooks and books. They are not the only market though, there are others:
Is that enough? There are more.
Obviously the more e-retailers your ebook is available through, the better your chances of a book sale. Now you could approach each of these e-retailers individually and submit your ebook to each for publication but that would take forever. The answer is to use a book aggregator to do the submissions. These are firms which take a small slice of your royalties, well worth it for the time saved. These are the three book aggregators I use:
If you find these pages useful you can return the favour by downloading a FREE ebook from Amazon - even if you don't read it, it will help our rankings! I think you'll probably like it though.
It's the first book of a series of 9 books (so far) which tell the story of how life on Earth was saved from a cataclysmic extinction when a rogue planetoid collides with Earth in 7141. This first book deals with how humanity was made immortal, giving us the incentive to do something about an event so far in the future.
Take a touch of humour, add some genetic science and nanotechnology. Steep with conspiracy and stir in murder and despair. Season with romance between three people in a secret location. Garnish with morality.
The result is 'Immortality Gene', the first in a novel series by John and Shelia Chapman. The ebook of book 1 is FREE and available at multiple retailers
Get it from your favourite store
I offer a 35% affiliate fee to those who promote my ebooks at Smashwords! That's $1.05 for a $2.99 ebook sold. Check them out at here.
If you decide to publish wide, remember you must NOT have your book in Kindle Select at Amazon. Amazon take a dim view of those who break their exclusive contract and your Amazon account will be terminated. That will severely limit your book sales and may even make it difficult to buy anything from Amazon.
If you decide to publish directly to Apple iBooks you must do so from an Apple computer. The way round this is to use an aggregator.
Using an aggregator usually involves submitting an epub2 file as the source file, but the three I list above will accept a MS Word doc/docx file. Draft2Digital have by far the simplest method submitting Word documents.
If you are using an aggregator you will probably need an ISBN number but they will provide a free one. That will make the aggregator the publisher.
You can tell the aggregator which e-retailers you wish and wish not to publish at. It's a good idea to restrict them from publishing at Amazon since you should already be publishing through Amazon KDP directly.
Back in 1982 early text only adventure games were being written for home computers. One such game was 'Castle of Riddles' written by Peter Killworth and published by Acornsoft. Now it's been re-written and greatly expanded with added images and sound. Play it on your computer, tablet or even a phone.
Check it out at https://jaydax.co.uk/corr
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Want a short story instead?
I've written a number of short time travel stories. Each is 99p/99¢ and great for taking a break from writing.
Check them out at http://iwadasn.info