John Chapman's Guide to Getting Published

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Getting Published Guide | Steps | Formatting an ebook

Changing from printed book to ebook formats

It won't take you long to convert your book from print format to ebook format. Start by saving a copy of your print book as the same filename but add 'ebook' to the end of the filename.

Now, working with the ebook version of your manuscript, delete the half title page, then go through your manuscript looking for any blank pages and delete them also.

Double check that the chapter titles are using 'Heading 1' style. This style should NOT be renamed!

IF your book has a contents page at the beginning then delete any page numbers in it and change the headings to links to pages in your book. 

Get rid of page numbers in an ebook

An ebook does not need page numbers so these can be deleted. Neither does it need the author name and book title in headers. There's an easy way of deleting these using MS Word's 'Document Inspector.'

Save your ebook document and then use File > Info

If at this stage you get any mention of 'compatability mode', you should convert the document to the latest version of Word.

Now click 'Check for issues' in the Inspect Document section and then 'Inspect Document' in the popup.

MS Word Document Inspector 1

A window will appear with a number of checkboxes. Scroll through the list and make sure they are all checked then click the 'Inspect' button.

MS Word Document Inspector 2

Word will scan through the document looking for issues and produce a window with the results. Scroll through the window clicking 'Remove All' on anything it has found which will include all the headers and footers.

MS Word Document Inspector 3

Click 'Reinspect' if you wish chen close the window and re-save the ebook document. 

Next: You now have a Word document which can be converted to an epub file. Do that as shown here.


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If you find these pages useful you can return the favour by downloading a FREE ebook from Amazon - even if you don't read it, it will help our rankings! I think you'll probably like it though.

It's the first book of a series of 9 books (so far) which tell the story of how life on Earth was saved from a cataclysmic extinction when a rogue planetoid collides with Earth in 7141. This first book deals with how humanity was made immortal, giving us the incentive to do something about an event so far in the future.

Take a touch of humour, add some genetic science and nanotechnology. Steep with conspiracy and stir in murder and despair. Season with romance between three people in a secret location. Garnish with morality.

The result is 'Immortality Gene', the first in a novel series by John and Shelia Chapman. The ebook of book 1 is FREE and available at multiple retailers

Immortality Gene e-book

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You may have noticed I both like and write time travel stories. Here's one I came across recently and enjoyed.

The Other Valley