If you've been following this guide so far you should now have a manuscript set up for producing a book in paper format. It will need a few tweaks before it can be sent to a print-on-demand publisher. These won't take long.
Make a copy of your manuscript and save it as [your title]-print.docx
It helps if you know a little about how a book is constructed. The longest lasting books are hardbacks where the pages are stitched together. Paperbacks and a cheaper form of hardback are produced by gluing the inside edge of the book into the spine. If you examine a hardback book you should be able to see that they are made up as follows
The text block, the pages containing text, is made up of 'signatures'; 4 - 7 sheets of paper, printed on each side, folded and stiched together. If you find the centre of a signature, you should be able to see the stitches holding it together.
Paperbacks are a simpler construction but the signatures are not stitched. Instead the folded edge is guilotined off, the cut end roughened, and a strong but flexible glue is used to fasten them inside a thin card cover. Paperbacks normally won't include the half title page unless you have chosen to include a frontispiece which would be printed on the other side of the half title sheet.
Assuming a signature made up of five sheets, that would contain 20 pages of text. If this signature was Chapter 1 the pages would be in this order:
On the outside of the fold page 1 and page 20 are on the outside sheet with page 2 and 19 on the other side. Page 1 will always be on the right hand side when the 'signature' is closed.
Remember that extra blank page added to a MS Word document so that we could display pages on the correct sides in a two page spread? We'll need to delete that.
Now re-save the document as [your title]-print.docx
Then use 'Save as...' to save it again as the same filename but this time as a PDF file - [your title]-print.pdf When doing this click the 'More options' link and then the 'Options' button and make sure you are saving for 'Standard (online and printing)' and 'PDF/A compliant' and 'Optimise for image quality' are both checked.
Once you have saved the PDF you are ready to submit it to print-on-demand services. I'll detail three of them.
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It's the first book of a series of 9 books (so far) which tell the story of how life on Earth was saved from a cataclysmic extinction when a rogue planetoid collides with Earth in 7141. This first book deals with how humanity was made immortal, giving us the incentive to do something about an event so far in the future.
Take a touch of humour, add some genetic science and nanotechnology. Steep with conspiracy and stir in murder and despair. Season with romance between three people in a secret location. Garnish with morality.
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Paperbacks are relatively simple to make at home if you want just a few copies. There are many bookbinding sites on the Web which will teach you how to do this. They are the experts - not me so I'll give you a link to a Youtube video rather than telling you how. You would need to print the pages yourself; I suggest a laser printer for this.
How to make a paperback book by hand
Need a heavy duty Guillotine? Try this one.